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  • Why You’re Breathing Wrong and How to Fix It

Why You’re Breathing Wrong and How to Fix It

Also in Idle Impact's 1st Edition: The 80/20 rule and how to make hard decisions

We're thrilled to have you on board for the very 1st edition of the Idle Impact newsletter! Our mission is to deliver bite-sized, actionable nuggets of wisdom every day that can make a real, positive impact on your life. So, let's dive in!


Unlocking Productivity: The 80/20 Principle

You might have heard of this concept, aka Pareto Principle, which is named after an Italian economist who observed that about 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.

In simple terms, this principle states that 80% of the outcomes or consequences arise from 20% of the causes.

This can be applied to many areas of life:

  • 80% of health benefits come from 20% of your workout

  • 80% of your stress is caused by 20% of your stressors

  • 80% of your productive work is completed in 20% of your time

There are countless other examples in life and work. You can identify which areas of your life this 80/20 split appears and how to maximize your time or effort.

Breathing through your nose is better than breathing through your mouth


Breathe Right, Live Better: The Power of Nose-Breathing

In his book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, Author James Nestor explains why breathing through your nose is better for you than breathing through your mouth:

  • Less Infections: Your nose filters out dust, pollen, and germs.

  • No Dryness or Bad Breath: Nose-breathing humidifies air, preventing dry mouth and bad breath.

  • More Energy: Nose-breathing allows for deeper breaths, increasing oxygen absorption and reducing fatigue.

  • Better Facial/Dental Development: Mouth-breathing can lead to misaligned teeth and facial changes, especially in children.

  • Overall Health: Your nose warms the air and produces nitric oxide, aiding oxygen uptake, blood pressure regulation, and immune support.

It’s quite clear that breathing through your nose is better for you, but an estimated 30-50% of adults breathe through their mouth!

If you have a condition that makes nose-breathing difficult (I personally had issues with this), we recommend seeing a doctor to explore possible solutions.


Having A Hard Time Making a Decision? Flip a Coin

Next time you have to make a decision (even an important one) and are torn between two options, try flipping a coin. When it lands:

  1. Just go with the side it landed on.

  2. If you feel uneasy, go with the other decision.

Why does this work? This test acts on your subconscious and reveals your gut feeling. It also makes the consequences of a decision more “real.”

Try this out the next time you’re having a hard time deciding!

Well, that’s it for our first day! If interested, I’ve included more resources for each point below.

Let us know how we’re doing or suggestions at [email protected].

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See you tomorrow!

- Kevin and the Idle Impact Team

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