The Best Way to Save On Cars

And getting in the zone

Welcome back to Idle Impact - where it takes just 5 minutes a day to improve your life!

Today, we’re covering an important state of mind that will leave you happier and more fulfilled, as well as some advice about whether to buy a new or used car!


Go with the Flow: Unlocking Productivity and Happiness

When was the last time you were so absorbed in an activity that you completely lost track of time?

The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi would say you were experiencing the “flow state” which is also known as being “in the zone.”

I personally believe this concept of flow is really important, and we’ll revisit it again and again in the future. In fact, many experts say that you should strive for more moments of flow if you want to lead a happier life.

Here are a few main characteristics of flow:

  • Intense concentration on the present moment

  • You become one with the task

  • Losing the sense of time and self

  • A sense of personal control

  • Experience of joy, fulfillment, and self-satisfaction

What are some past or present activities (e.g. sports, hobbies, creative projects) that trigger these feelings?

Whatever it is, just do more of it so you can achieve flow. It’s good for you!


Sure Way to Save Money? Don’t Buy a New Car

Looking to buy a car? Well, you should seriously consider buying used despite some of the negative connotations.

Dave Ramsey, a personal finance expert, goes so far as to say that he completely opposes buying a new car ever unless your net worth is over USD $1 million!

The main reason for this is because new cars lose their value (aka depreciate) extremely quickly.

In fact, a new car will lose 9-11% of its value as soon as you drive it off the lot! 

Furthermore, you can expect the value to decrease by 20% after a year and up to 60% after 5 years.

Ramsey says you don’t have to worry about dependability since you can find like-new used cars that are just as safe. Another bonus of buying used is that it can also save you money on car insurance.

So, the next time you’re shopping around for a car, seriously consider buying used one!

Well, that’s it for today! Hope that you can achieve more flow in your life and also save some moolah on your next car purchase.

Also, I'd love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any other tips you'd like to share at [email protected].

See you back tomorrow!

- Kevin and the Idle Impact Team

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